This Academy Include

About The Academy

Pex Hill WIldcats began in October 2018 when Pex Hill JFC was contacted by Liverpool FA to ask if we’d be interested in setting up a Wildcats Centre to coach girls and give them an introduction to football in a fun and safe environment

Wildcats Centres already existed, but not many were attached to clubs, meaning there was no pathway for girls to progress from Wildcats training to playing for a team
Girls Football is a major part of our club now.  We’ve 48 teams at the club, so the 16 girls teams make up a third of our club!  We have our own girls section secretary and look forward to our Wildcats and girls football going from strength to strength
Due to the numbers involved, our Wildcats group is now split into a Reception – Yr 2 group, and a Yr3 – Yr6 group, with around 20 girls per week training with each group
We are delighted that in the five and a half years we have been running girls football, we’ve had over 300 girls come through our Wildcats Centre.  We have produced 14 girls teams, with 2 more forming from existing teams splitting due to more girls joining…and a further 2 new teams , under 12s Lionesses and under 8s Tigers being formed ahead of the 2024/25 season

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